
来源:中国科学人才网      发布时间:2018-02-01      阅读次数:


招聘职位 职位系列 岗位职责 应聘条件(年龄、学历、教学、科研等方面的要求) 人数 联系方式
助理教授/副教授/长聘副教授/教授 教研系列 学科带头人或学术骨干。承担专业课教学与科研任务,指导研究生。组织和参与学科的设置、建设及管理工作。 历史地理学、城市与区域规划、人文地理学、GIS与遥感、地貌学与环境演变专业、自然地理、环境地理。博士学位,具有深厚的理论基础和广博的专业知识,丰富的学术实践经验,能圆满完成教学科研任务。具有优良的学风和高尚的师德,优良的教学科研业绩和外语水平。是本学科领域国内或国际同行认可的有突出成绩的学者,并有标志性的研究成果。 4 联系人:刘萍
Job Opportunities in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University
The College of Urban and Environmental Sciences (CUES) is under the administration of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Currently, CUES has five departments,including the Department of Environmental Science, Department of Ecology, Department of Resource and Environmental Geography, Department of Urban and Economic Geography, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, and two centers , including the Center for Historical Geography and the Center for Architecture.
Post Settings
Job Type Position Description Qualification(Age,Degree,Teaching, scientific research and other requirements) Number Contact Information
Assistant professor/Associate professor/Professor Teaching and research Discipline leader or academic backbone. To undertake the teaching and research tasks of specialized courses and guide postgraduate students. To organize and participate in the establishment, construction and management of disciplines. The major of Environmental science, Ecology, Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Quaternary Geology, Human Geography, Urban Planning, history geography.
Doctoral degree, with profound theoretical foundation and extensive professional knowledge, rich academic practical experience, can complete the teaching research task successfully. With excellent academic and noble ethics, excellent academic performance and foreign language proficiency. It is an outstanding scholar with outstanding achievements in the field of domestic or international studies in this field, and has the signature research results.
4 Contacts:Liu Ping
Address:The personnel office of College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, No.5 Summer Palace road, ,Haidian District, Beijing,100871
Application should include a cover letter, curriculum vita, statement of research interests, and contact information for 3-5 references that includes names, email addresses and phone numbers. Inquires may be addressed to Ms. Ping Liu at liuping@urban.pku.edu.cnor 62751171. Reviews of applications will begin immediately and applicants will be reviewed until positions are filled.