
来源:中国科学人才网      发布时间:2018-01-22      阅读次数:

Wuhan University of Technology
sincerely invite young talents from home and abroad to the 2nd  WUT
International Young Scholars Forum
一、     论坛介绍
I. Introduction
WUT International Young Scholars Forum aims at gathering outstanding scholars from home and abroad in Wuhan the River City to promote exchange between talented young scholars and cooperation between different fields of research and actively implement the strategy of constructing the world first-class disciplines and first-class university.
二、     申请条件(以下五条满足其一)
1. 年龄不超过40周岁,具有国内外知名大学博士学位,并有连续2年及以上的海外科研工作经历,在海外知名高校、科研机构、知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位的优秀青年学者
2. 青年千人、万人计划青年拔尖人才、青年长江学者、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者等,或申报上述四类人才项目进入会评者
3. 全球高被引科学家(汤森路透发布)、高被引学者(爱思唯尔)
4. 世界知名大学的海内外优秀博士(后),年龄不超过35周岁,且以第一作者或通讯作者身份在本学科国际公认的顶级期刊发表学术论文5篇及以上或在Science, Nature, Cell 发表论文
5. 具备入选国家级哲学社会科学人才计划项目条件和潜力的优秀青年人才
II. Basic Qualifications (Meet one of the following five points)
1. Outstanding young scholars under the age of 40, shall possess a Ph.D. degree granted by prestigious universities at home and abroad, have at least two years’ work experience abroad (those who possessed a Ph.D. degree from abroad with exceptional academic achievements may be exempt from the work experience requirement), and hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises.
2. Selected ones of National One Thousand Youth Talents Program, National Support Program for Top-notch Young Talents, Cheung Kong Youth Scholars Program, Excellent young scientist fund of NSFC,Candidate entering the  review meeting of  One Thousand Youth Talents Program.
3. Highly Cited Researchers (released by Thomson Reuters) or Most Cited Chinese Researchers (Elsevier).
4. Applicants have obtained doctorate degree(s) or have Postdoctoral research experience in world famous universities, Age preference is 35 or under, published at least 5 academic papers in top international recognized journals as the first author or corresponding Author Or published academic papers on Science, Nature or Cell.
5. Outstanding and potential young talents who satisfy the conditions of the national talent projects of philosophy and social sciences.
III. Disciplines for Academic Positions
Materials Science and Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Communication and Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Rural and urban planning, Power engineering and engineering Thermo-physics, Mineral Engineering, Safety Science and Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Electronics Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Master of Electrical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Science, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Bio-medical Engineering, Mechanics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Management Science and Engineering, Science of Business Administration, Applied Economics, Theoretical Economics, Design Science, Arts science theory, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages and Literature, Science of Law, Journalism and Communication, Philosophy, Politics, Marxist Theory, History of Modern China, Education Science, Public Administration, Physical Education.
1. 符合条件的海内外学者请于2018年3月1日前登录网上平台(http://zhaopin.whut.edu.cn/whltweb/index.jsp)注册报名。如果不能登录网上平台,可填写并发送国际青年学者论坛报名表(表格下载地址:http://pub2.whut.edu.cn/rshc/show.asp?id=1164)及个人简历至学校联系人和意向学院(限报两个)联系人邮箱。
IV. Application Procedure
1. Submit the application form via the website (http://zhaopin.whut.edu.cn/whltweb/index.jsp) by March 1, 2018. Or download and complete the application form from the website (http://pub2.whut.edu.cn/rshc/show.asp?id=1164) and Send the form with current Curriculum Vitae to the e-mail address (rcb123@whut.edu.cn) by the date March 1, 2018.
2. Qualified applicants will receive an official invitation letter before the date March 9, 2018.
3.  The applicants who intend to attend the forum should reply to
the confirmation note within a week after receiving the invitation letter.
1. 3月29日(周四)全天报到
2. 3月30日(周五)上午,开幕式、主题论坛:嘉宾作报告
3. 3月30日(周五)下午、3月31日(周六),分论坛:学术报告、参观、座谈等
4. 4月1日(周日)离会
V. Forum Agenda
1. March 29th, 2018 (Thursday) Registration
2. March 30th, 2018 (Friday) Opening Ceremony, Plenary speeches and Invited Speeches
3.March 30th, 2018 (Friday) and March 31st, 2018 (Saturday), Sub-Forums in different fields,campus tour, seminars etc.
4. April 1st, 2018 (Sunday) Departure
VI. Accommodation and Travel Expense Reimbursement
Accommodation will be paid by WUT. Please book your flights after you receive our formal invitation. The host will provide the reimbursement of travel expenses (economy class) for all scholars who are officially invited.
Young scholars from home and abroad are warmly welcome to WUT.
电话: +86-27-87163146,来电时请说明是在科学人才网看到的信息
传真: +86-27-87651462
Email: rcb123@whut.edu.cn
联系邮箱:kaisy124@sina.com  Amandawen124@gmail.com
地址:North Brunswick, New Jersey
联系邮箱:hli633@aucklanduni.ac.nz  hui.li@auckland.ac.nz
地址:74 Epsom Avenue, Faculty of Education & Social Work, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

单位 联系方式 单位 联系方式
理学院 027-87651819,林老师zpslxk@whut.edu.cn
交通学院 027-86551193,林老师zpjtxk@whut.edu.cn 化学化工与生命科学学院 027-87749379,韩老师
管理学院 027-87859059,蔡老师
经济学院 027-87395079,魏老师
机电工程学院 027-87651793,金老师zpjxxk@whut.edu.cn 艺术与设计学院 027-87651235,刘老师zprwxk@whut.edu.cn
能源与动力工程学院 027-86581992,陈老师
外国语学院 027-87219821,蔡老师zprwxk@whut.edu.cn
土木工程与建筑学院 027-87651992,冯老师zpzhtj@whut.edu.cn 文法学院 027-87658215,谭老师zprwxk@whut.edu.cn
汽车工程学院 027-87858200,彭老师zpjxxk@whut.edu.cn 政治与行政学院 027-86551207,朱老师zprwxk@whut.edu.cn
资源与环境工程学院 027-87210029,田老师zpzhtj@whut.edu.cn 马克思主义学院 027-87156853,张老师zprwxk@whut.edu.cn
信息工程学院 027-87651800,郭老师
新材料研究所 027-87884448,黄老师
计算机科学与技术学院 027-87384951,崔老师
光纤传感技术研究中心 027-87651851,白老师zpxxxk@whut.edu.cn
自动化学院 027-87859049,甘老师
硅酸盐材料工程研究中心 027-87651856,关老师
航运学院 027-86581991,易老师zpjtxk@whut.edu.cn 智能交通系统研究中心 027-86582280,李老师zpjtxk@whut.edu.cn
物流工程学院 027-86551180,李老师zpjxxk@whut.edu.cn 道路桥梁与结构工程中心 027-87677266,潘老师 zpzhtj@whut.edu.cn
VII. Contact Information

Human Resources Department, Wuhan University of technology
Contact: Ms. Zhu Fan    13871062029(mobile phone number)
Mr. Fang Wei   13407187586(mobile phone number)
Email: rcb123@whut.edu.cn
Tel: +86-27-87163146

Fax: +86-27-87651462
Add: No. 122 Luoshi Road, Wuhan, China
Contact Information for WUT’s Recruitment in The United States:
Contact: Ms. Shuman Wen
E-mail:kaisy124@sina.com   Amandawen124@gmail.com
Address: North Brunswick, New Jersey
Contact Information for WUT’s Recruitment in New Zealand:
Contact Person: Ms. Hui Li
E-mail:hli633@aucklanduni.ac.nz  hui.li@auckland.ac.nz
Address: 74 Epsom Avenue, Faculty of Education & Social Work, the University of Auckland, New Zealand
Schools Contact Information Schools Contact Information
School of Materials Science and Engineering 027-87651771, Ms Huang
School of Sciences 027-87651819, Ms Lin
International School of Materials Science and Engineering, 027-87733690, Ms Li zpclxk@whut.edu.cn School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Life Sciences 027-87749379,Mr Han
School of Transportation 027-86551193, Mr Linzpjtxk@whut.edu.cn School of Economics 027-87395079, Ms Wei
School of Management 027-87859059, Mr.Cai
School of Art and Design 027-87651235,Mr Liu
School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering 027-87651793, Ms Jin
School of Foreign Languages 027-87219821, Ms Cai
School of Energy and Power Engineering 027-86581992,Mr Chen
School of Law and Humanities 027-87658215, Ms Tan
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture 027-87651992,Mr Feng
School of Politics and Administration 027-86551207, Ms Zhu
School of Automotive Engineering 027-87858200,Mr Feng
School of Marxism 027-87156853,Mr Zhang
School of Resources and Environmental Engineering 027-87210029, Ms Tian
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing 027-87884448, Ms Huang
School of Information Engineering 027-87651800, Mr Guo
National Engineering Laboratory for Fiber Optic Sensing Technology 027-87651851,Mr Bai
School of Computer Science and Technology 027-87384951, Ms Cui
State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures 027-87651856, Mr.Guan
School of Automation 027-87859049,Mr Gan
National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety 027-86582280, Ms Li
School of Navigation 027-86581991,Mr Yi
The Hubei key laboratory of the Roadway Bridge and Structural Engineering 027-87677266, Ms Pan zpzhtj@whut.edu.cn
School of Logistics Engineering, 027-86551180, Ms Li
学校现有马房山校区、余家头校区和南湖校区,占地4000余亩,校舍总建筑面积175万平方米,4座现代化图书馆藏书386万册。现有24个学院(部),4个国家重点实验室(工程中心)。现有教职工5533人,其中专任教师3248人,中国科学院院士1人,中国工程院院士3人,比利时皇家科学院院士1人,澳大利亚工程院院士1人,面向全球聘任的战略科学家29人,国家“千人计划”26人、“万人计划”5人,长江学者特聘(讲座、青年)教授14人,国家杰出青年基金获得者7人,国家教学名师奖获得者3人,“百千万人才工程”国家级人选11 人。
学校已形成以工学为主,理、工、经、管、艺术、文、法等多学科相互渗透、协调发展的学科专业体系。现有一级学科博士学位授权点15个,一级学科硕士学位授权点38个,博士后科研流动站17个;有15个硕士专业学位授权类别,39个硕士专业学位授权领域。材料学科、工程学科、化学学科和物理学科4个学科进入了世界ESI学科排名的前1%。现有本科生专业89个,其中国家特色专业15个、卓越工程师教育培养计划试点专业28个、国家综合改革试点专业4个、国家战略性新兴产业专业2个。现有国家级精品资源共享课 17门、国家级精品视频公开课8门。拥有国家级教学团队5个、教育部人才培养模式实验区4个、国家级实验教学示范中心5个、国家工科基础课程教学基地1个、国家级工程实践教育中心13个、国家国际化示范学院1个、全国创业孵化示范基地1个、全国高校实践育人创新创业基地1个。
2016年,学校同时进入THE世界大学排行榜、QS亚洲大学排行榜、US News世界大学排行榜、ARWU世界大学学术排行榜。
Wuhan University of Technology (hereafter referred to as WUT) was merged on May 27th 2000, from the former Wuhan University of Technology (established in 1948), Wuhan Transportation University (established in 1946) and Wuhan Automotive Polytechnic University (established in 1958). WUT is one of the leading Chinese universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education and one of the universities in the country’s construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines. WUT is also jointly constructed by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the State Oceanic Administration and the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. In the past 70 years, WUT has fostered over 500,000 engineers and technicians, maintaining itself the largest scale university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education for nurturing talents oriented in the three industrial sectors: building materials industry, transportation industry and automobile industry and retaining itself an important base of nurturing high-level talents for the three industrial sectors as well as providing significant scientific and technological achievements. 
With the practice of long-term student’s education, WUT has formed educational ideology system with distinctive characteristics: focusing on the lofty ideal of building an excellent university to win a worldwide recognition and admiration, the University has forged the spirit of “Sound in Morality, Broad in Learning and Pursuing Excellence”, promoted the guiding principle of “take the students cultivation as our essence, and take academic development as our priority”, and exercised the educational concept of “implementing excellent education, nurturing excellent talents and creating an excellent life”. WUT is committed to building an excellent university that provides an excellent education to lead our students to a fulfilled life with excellent pursuit and excellent capability. 
The University has three main campuses, namely, the Mafangshan Campus, the Yujiatou Campus and the South Lake Campus, with a total occupying land area of 267 hectares. Currently, WUT has 5,533 staff members, including 3,248 full-time academic staff members, 1 academician of China Academy of Science, 3 academicians of China Academy of Engineering, 1 fellow of the Royal Academy of Belgium and 1 fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. Besides, the University has held public global recruitment of 29 world-renowned professors to be its “Strategic Scientists” in the area of Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology and Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering. WUT owns a great number of academic staff members listed in national high-level talents programs, with 26 of them listed in “the Recruitment Program of Global Experts”(known as “the Thousand Talents Plan”), 5 listed in “Ten Thousand Talents Program”, 14 listed in “Cheung Kong Scholars Program”, 7 listed in “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, 3 listed in “National Renowned Teachers” and 11 listed in “the New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project”.
The University owns 24 academic schools, 4 State Key Laboratories, 8 State key Disciplines, 77 Doctoral programs, 226 Master's programs as well as 89 Bachelor's programs. The University has 54,986students, including 36,452 undergraduates, 17,224 postgraduates (Master and PhD students), and 1,310 international students. Besides, Material Science, Engineering Science, Chemistry and Physics rank the top 1% in ESI (Essential Science Indicators) global discipline ranking list.
WUT owns 35 innovative research centers with international leading level including two State Key Laboratories, one State Engineering Laboratory, one National Engineering Research Center and ministerial or provincial level laboratories in the areas of new materials and building materials, transportation and logistics, mechatronics and automobile, information technology, new energy, resources and environmental technology as well as Public Safety and Emergency Management. Meanwhile, the University has established 199 Joint Research Centers with local governments and enterprises. From 2010, WUT has obtained 14 National Science and Technology Awards, ranking in the forefront of Chinese higher education institutions. 
WUT has established cooperative relations for students exchange and scientific research with more than 190 foreign universities and research institutions from USA, UK, Japan, France, Australia, Russia and the Netherlands, etc. and invited over 300 international famous scholars to be strategic scientist, guest professors or honorary professors. From 2007, WUT was authorized to establish 4 Bases of Foreign Outstanding Expertise-Introduction for Disciplines Innovation in China Leading Universities in Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Advanced Technology for High Performance Ship, Advanced Technology for Functional Film Materials Fabrication and Its Application in Engineering and Key Technology for New Energy Vehicles as well, the International Joint Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, the Base of International Science and Technology Cooperation in Environmental-friendly Building Materials and the base of International Science and Technology Cooperation on Smart Shipping and Maritime Safety were established. From 2009, WUT has established 14 International Joint Research Centers with internationally renowned institutions from USA, UK, Italy and the Netherlands, including the “WUT-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory” with Harvard University, the “WUT- UM Joint New Energy Material and Conversion Technology Key Laboratory” with the University of Michigan, the “WUT-UoS High Performance Ship Technology Joint Center” with the University of Southampton and the “Joint Research Center for Intelligent Ship and Traffic” with Delft University of Technology.In 2016, an international college initiative-the UWTSD Wuhan Ligong College was established in Swansea in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David,UK.
In 2016, the University was listed in Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS Asia University Rankings, U.S.News Best Global Universities Rankings and ShanghaiRanking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities.
人才类别 科研平台建设经费 安家费和住房 工资津贴及其它
自然 人文
千人计划 创新长
1000万元+500万元团队建设经费 300万元+500万元团队建设经费 60万元和周转房 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇;享有国家提供的人民币100万元的一次性补助(免税)
300万元+200万元团队建设经费 60万元(购房时支付)和周转房 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇(按实际工作时间计算);享有国家提供的人民币50万元的一次性补助(免税)
600-1000万元(含国家提供科研补助经费)+300万元团队建设经费 60万元和周转房 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇,;享有国家提供的人民币100万元的一次性补助(免税)
青年项目 400-800万元(含国家提供的科研补助经费) 100万元和周转房 年薪50万元;享有国家提供的人民币50万元的一次性补助(免税)
长江学者 特聘
500万元(含国家资助经费) 200万元 60万元和周转房 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇;享有国家提供的奖励人民币20万元(免税)
30万元 解决住宿、差旅 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇(含教育部拨付津贴,按实际工作时间支付)
100-300万元 30-60万元 40万元和周转房 年薪50万元;享有国家提供的奖励人民币10万元(免税)
百人计划 特聘
200-500万元 50万元 50万元和周转房 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇;享有湖北省提供的人民币50万元一次性补助(免税)
50-200万元 40万元和周转房 提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇;同时享有湖北省提供的人民币50万元一次性补助(免税)
楚天学者 特聘
100-200万元 50-100万元 40-50万元和周转房 工资+津贴30万元/年(含省拨津贴)
40万元 15万元 40万元和周转房 工资+省拨津贴

人才类别 科研平台建设经费 安家费和住房 工资津贴及其它
自然 人文
全球招聘教授 50-500万元 20-200万元 40-60万元和
海外讲座教授 提供必要的科研、工作条件 解决住宿、差旅 1万美元/月
海外知名大学博士 10-40万元 4-20万元 10-40万元和周转房 相应岗位工资和津贴
10-30万元 5万元 10-30万元和周转房 相应岗位工资和津贴
200万元 参考引进博士条件 25-30万元/年
人才类别 科研平台建设经费 安家费和住房 工资津贴及其它
自然 人文
战略科学家 500-1000万元 500万元 60万元和周转房 5万美元/月
学科首席教授 200万元 50万元 50万元和周转房 工资+学科首席教授岗位津贴
产学研特聘专家 100万元 30万元 30万元和周转房 工资+产学研特聘专家岗位津贴
特色专业责任教授 工资+特色专业责任教授岗位津贴
本科教学团队 学校设置团队建设专项经费,对立项的教学团队给予相应的支持
精品课程名师 工资+精品课程名师岗位津贴
青年拔尖人才 已入选国家、省部级重点人才工程青年项目的优秀青年人才,在原有人才计划支持的基础上,增加科研平台建设费10-100万元;全职在岗的优秀青年教师,享受科研平台建设经费10-200万元,岗位津贴10万元。