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克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)前身为1946年创立的英国皇家空军(RAF)贝德福德郡克兰菲尔德基地航空学院,是全欧洲唯一拥有机场的大学,是与欧洲工商界以及英国军方有紧密合作的大学。是全英唯一仅培养科技与管理学硕士和博士研究生的大学。由于该校仅培养研究生和博士生,没有本科部,故不参与各类综合大学排名,是全球顶尖的国际化研究型高校,全英Top 5的研究型大学。

Research Fellow/RA in Understanding Green Infrastructure Barriers and Enablers

Cranfield University

Role Description

Research Fellow or Research Assistant in Understanding Green Infrastructure Barriers and Enablers

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral Research Fellow or Research Assistant, in Understanding barriers and enablers for effective green infrastructure interventions.

About the Role

Urban ecosystems are extensively fragmented by grey infrastructure, leading to a disconnect between the habitat fragments that support biological species and ecosystem resilience at landscape scales. Green and blue spaces in cities, and the functional biodiversity they support, help to improve urban resilience through services such as air quality improvement and reduced flood risk. However, we still do not know how best to configure green-blue-grey infrastructures at local (street or park) scales to optimise multiple benefits at landscape (neighbourhood or city) scales.

The NERC funded Defragmenting the fragmented urban landscape (DEFRAG) project aims to deliver new knowledge on how fragment size, shape, composition, and connectivity affects biodiversity, biological processes, and the ecosystem services derived from them. DEFRAG is also working with stakeholders across Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes to identify real-world enablers and reduce barriers to including green and blue interventions in urban planning. This understanding is crucial for the design of healthier, more resilient towns and cities in the future.

You will contribute to the following aspects of the DEFRAG research:

Semi-structured interviews with local urban planners, infrastructure operators, and national level organisations, investigating green infrastructure implementation opportunities and constraints.

Mixed methods surveys quantifying gaps between decision-makers and residents' perceptions of acceptance/resistance to green infrastructure.

Surveys and experiments testing the application of behavioural interventions in overcoming barriers to green infrastructure interventions.

Development of a vision and roadmap for future green infrastructure implementation in the three study areas, including the identification of key enabling mechanisms required to achieve them.

Support the development of the integrated modelling of fragmented urban landscapes. This includes including working with data scientists at the Alan Turing Institute to develop, validate, and evaluate, models of social acceptance and alternative green infrastructure intervention scenarios.

About You

We are seeking someone with a keen interest in, and broad understanding of, environmental social sciences, green infrastructure interventions, and environmental decision-making for this role. You will be experienced in, and comfortable with, applying mixed methods social science approaches, multi- disciplinary research, and engaging with stakeholders and local communities.

The role involves close collaboration with academics at Cranfield as well as project partners at Sheffield University, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, and the Alan Turing Institute, and stakeholder and community groups in the study areas. As a result, the role requires excellent interpersonal and teamworking skills. You will also have excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as an ability to produce high quality research outputs.

How to apply

For an informal discussion about this opportunity, please contact Dr Simon Jude, Reader in Environmental Decision Making, on (T): 01234 754295 or (E): s.jude@cranfield.ac.uk

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details on E: peoplerecruitment@cranfield.ac.uk. Please quote reference number 4903.

Closing date for receipt of applications: 15 September 2024

Please note that we reserve the right to close this advert prior to the stated closing date should we receive sufficient numbers of applications. Therefore, we would encourage you to complete and submit your application as soon as possible.
