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奥胡斯大学(拉丁文:Universitas Arhusiensis;丹麦文:Aarhus Universitet),是丹麦历史悠久、规模最大的顶尖综合性大学,全球大学高研院联盟、科英布拉集团成员。该校位于丹麦日德兰半岛的奥胡斯,校区坐落于风景如画的大学公园。奥胡斯大学拥有国际化的学习氛围,在读学生总数约38000人,其中留学生比例约为10%。该校拥有优质的师资力量和充分的工作学习保障,有逾8000名教职员工。其具有全球第二的计量经济学研究中心,仅次于麻省理工学院。诺贝尔经济学奖得主特里夫·哈维默和戴尔·莫滕森都曾在经济系担任教职。

Postdoc in plant-microbe interactions


Aarhus University (AU)


Aarhus, Midtjylland (DK)



Closing date

30 Sep 2024

The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, is offering a postdoctoral position in plant-microbe interactions, starting 1 January, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position will be available for a 3-year period.

You will be part of a research environment focusing on plant-microbe interactions. You will be contributing to specifically the area of exploring the mechanisms behind plant-microbe interactions. And the main focus of your position will be on how plant-microbe interactions can enhance plant pathogen resistance, ultimately advancing our capacity to leverage microbial communities to promote sustainable agriculture. You will work experimentally with already established field experiments.

We expect that you will be an important part of the research environment and that you will contribute positively to the social working environment. We also expect that you will take part in our teaching activities and that you will report research results in high-impact scientific journals.

Your profile

We are searching for a highly motivated candidate who has:

A PhD with a focus on microbial ecology, plant-microbe interactions, other relevant subject or similar

Collaborative skills and ability to participate actively in teams

A fondness of taking the initiative and the motivation to pursue a scientific career

Documented experience in scientific writing and publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Research experience in some of the areas of experimental work, typically from experiments with soil and plants in the field and in greenhouses, as well as microbial community analysis and multivariate statistics. The candidates should have documented ability for independent scientific research work and skills in scientific writing and publication.

Further, we will prefer candidates with some of the following qualifications:

Teaching and supervision experience at the BSc and MSc level

Interest and preferably experience in developing competitive national and international research applications

Experience in planning and conducting field-work

Experience in planning and conducting laboratory work.

Experience with microbe analysis, including bioinformatics and multivariate data analysis

Place of Work

The place of work is Aarhus University, Campus Flakkebjerg, Forsøgsvej 1, 4200 Slagelse, Denmark. The affiliation will be with the Department of Agroecology.

Contact information

More information can be obtained from Mo Bahram, email: bahram@agro.au.dk.


All applications must be received no later than 30 September, 2024.
