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匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh),简称“匹大”(PITT),成立于1787年,美国最早的十所大学之一,被誉为“公立常春藤”,是美国大学协会成员。主校区位于宾夕法尼亚州第二大城市匹兹堡,与卡内基梅隆大学隔街相对,各学院分布在奥克兰区(Oakland),地理位置优越。


Postdoctoral Scholar - Psychiatry(#54)

University of Pittsburgh

Job Description

Postdoctoral research fellowships are available for MDs and PhDs in behavioral and psychological aspects of cardiovascular health. The program focuses on four areas: health behavior change, psychophysiology, research methods and statistics, and health disparities. Now in its 41st year, the program is a mentor-based model that includes team-based collaborative mentoring, multidisciplinary training and research, and individualized didactics and workshops, with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as practical training in grant writing, research ethics, and career development. Applications are being accepted for appointments to begin in Fall 2024 or later.

Qualifications or Expectations:

Commitment to a clinical science career

Interest in working in multidisciplinary teams

PhD in Psychology, Epidemiology, or related health/behavioral science discipline or MD (including 3rd or 4th year residents)

Strong candidates have a promising record and commitment to cardiovascular behavioral medicine research

Opportunities Available:

Trainees have access to world-class facilities, including for vascular and brain imaging, immune and biological assays, and psychophysiology assessments as well as multiple ongoing research studies.

Trainees have the opportunity engage in didactics through the Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology, Epidemiology, Health and Physical Activity, and Medicine.

Trainees have the opportunity to collaborate on cardiovascular behavioral projects and datasets, and to participate in data analysis, manuscript preparation, and grant preparation.

Trainees receive a stipend, travel allowance for conferences, tuition benefits, and opportunities to apply for supplemental funds for pilot projects.

Trainees receive personalized mentoring by international experts in cardiovascular behavioral medicine.

For more info about this position, visit:https://www.cvbm.pitt.edu/
